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We’ve Beautified Your Current COVID-19 Posters

Employers and business owners have always been responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace for their employees and customers, but safe and healthy has an entirely new meaning due to the additional precautions and protocols of COVID-19. This has given employers and business owners yet another item to tackle in their daily endeavor to provide an environment free of concern.  

By creating mask ordinance and company policy posters, we’re hoping we make your lives a little easier. You can leverage our ready-to-print PDF formats or make your own by placing your logo in our pre-developed PowerPoint slides. Put these posters up in your place of business and be sure to catch the eyes of your employees and customers.

We will get through this together!

Andréa Kohalmi, Managing Director, Internal & External Communications Consultant
20 years experience developing and implementing global internal and external corporate communications strategies, including executive messaging, employee engagement, change management, public relations, and marketing for companies including Westinghouse Lighting, CBS/Viacom (Westinghouse Electric licensing division), and Salesforce. BA in English, Marketing concentration

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